FCA desires to serve as many students as possible. It is our goal to offer a FCA education to all students, in Kindergarten to Grade 12, who desire it, and through our financial aid program we offer tuition assistance to students with financial needs. The funds from this program are available to all ALL families (both currently registered and new applicants). The Financial Aid Committee reviews each grant application and offers assistance to students based on the financial aid monies available.
Once these deadlines have passed families can still complete an online application; however, financial assistance may not be awarded if the annual financial assistance fund budget is fully committed to prior applicants.
In order for the committees to allocate resources wisely, and in a fair manner, we have enlisted a professional and independent financial assistance analysis company, Apple Financial Services. Apple Financial Services does not decide whether financial assistance will be awarded. Rather, it provides a need-based financial aid analysis which includes a recommendation of what a family should reasonably contribute towards tuition. The confidential analysis is reviewed by the FCA's Financial Aid Committee, who then award finances based on the report and the available annual financial assistance fund budget.
NOTE: All information from Apple Financial Services is strictly confidential and only seen by the Financial Aid Committee.
In evaluating requests for financial assistance, FCA considers the following criteria:
To apply for Financial Aid, a completed enrollment application form must be on file in the Admission Office. Once the enrollment application is approved, parents may proceed with the online application.
All requests for financial assistance must be made through the use of Apple Financial Services. No request for financial assistance is entertained by the Financial Aid committee unless a completed enrollment application is approved and on file in the Admissions Office, and the financial information is submitted through Apple Financial Services. All information is held in strict confidence and the analysis report and recommendation is only made available to the Financial Aid committee for their exclusive use. Apple Financial Services does not make their report or recommendation available to the applicants. A new financial aid application must be submitted each year and reflect any changes in a family’s financial circumstances.
The Financial Aid Committee distributes financial assistance as broadly as possible to students in need. The committees and FCA holds this information in strictest confidence and families are asked to do the same with all awards. Please note that families are only considered for financial aid if the previous school year fees have been paid in full.